Happy ssh agent forwarding for tmux/screen

If you often use ssh+tmux combination and ssh keys forwarding, you’ve definitely been in an unpleasant situation:

Let’s discuss why this is happening. The magic behind ssh forwarding is quite simple: ssh-agent creates a socket (on linux usually something like /tmp/ssh-hRNwjA1342/agent.1342) which is used by other applications to communicate with ssh-agent. Obviously these applications need a way to find this socket, so ssh-agent also sets an environment variable SSH_AUTH_SOCK, which contains path to the socket.

> env | grep SSH_

When you create a new tmux session environment variables from current shell are captured and later used for every new window/pane. Thus all your panes inside tmux will have the same value of SSH_AUTH_SOCK. When you disconnect from server ssh connection terminates and socket is deleted. When you reconnect a new socket is created (and SSH_AUTH_SOCK now points to it), but all your panes inside tmux still have the old value.

What first comes to mind is to find the path of a new socket and export it in broken panes. You can totally do it, but this is pain. For new panes we can tell tmux to reload environment variables. To do so just add the following lines to your ~/.tmux.conf file:

set -g update-environment "SSH_AUTH_SOCK"

This is clearly a half measure, because you’ll still have all your existing panes being broken every time the ssh connection dies. We might want to modify SSH_AUTH_SOCK of existing panes, but there is no good (or even bad, but portable) way to do it. Luckily there is another way.

As I said, SSH_AUTH_SOCK points to the current ssh-agent socket and this socket dies, when the connection is terminated. The last thing is a problem, and all problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection. Let’s point SSH_AUTH_SOCK to a symlink which is pointing to a ssh-agent socket; this way all panes will have a valid value in SSH_AUTH_SOCK. For tmux this can be done also via config1:

> cat ~/.tmux.conf
set-environment -g 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK' ~/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock

If you prefer screen (which is weird), you should use ~/.screenrc2:

> cat ~/.screenrc
setenv SSH_AUTH_SOCK ~/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock

The only problem is to keep the symlink valid. This is where ~/.ssh/rc comes out. This script is invoked by the SSH server for each incoming SSH connection3.

> cat ~/.ssh/rc
if [ -S "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ]; then
    ln -sf $SSH_AUTH_SOCK ~/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock

Great, now for every new ssh connection (and if ssh forwarding is enabled) we’ll update the symlink to the new value. And everything will work fine until this connection is terminated.

I personally lived with this solution for quite a long time, until I’ve started to use lsyncd4 for syncing my source code with remote machines. The thing is lsyncd uses rsync for syncing files and this means it creates new ssh connections once in a while. The problem is that when a new connection is created it updates your symlink. And when it dies the symlink becomes broken.

To fix this problem I told /.ssh/rc not to modify the symlink if current is still alive. This way new ssh connections will not touch the symlink until the connection which created it is still alive.

> cat ~/.ssh/rc
if [ ! -S ~/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock ] && [ -S "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ]; then
    ln -sf $SSH_AUTH_SOCK ~/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock


  1. Setup the ~/.ssh/rc to keep the ~/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock symlink valid
  2. Setup the ~/.tmux.conf to make SSH_AUTH_SOCK point to the ~/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock
  3. Profit

Potential issues

SSHRC and X11 forwarding

Update 2020-09-05

As noted by Маятчи Ҁязиде’мѧи in the comments, you need to call xauth from your ~/.ssh/rc, otherwise X11 forwarding will not work5.